Friday, April 25, 2014

Piecing it Together From the Very Beginning

To start out, lets discuss how this hunk of a husband and I met. I was living at good ol' Raintree when I met this man at church. Since I was not looking for a relationship, and neither was he- it made it somewhat of a roller coaster ride. When he came by to ask me on a date I wasn't home. So, when he asked my roommate for my number, she told him that she had better ask my permission! Our first date was going horseback riding- which was right up my alley! After a few break-ups, DTR's, some adventures, and a little bit more in between, he asked me to be his wife. (Maybe I'll get to that later) We were married in the Timpanogas temple on June 23, 2012, and it was the best decision that I have ever made. We have been blessed to embark on many adventures and are looking forward to many more adventures to come.

I finally introduced Tyler to the little piece of heaven from my childhood: what my family calls "the ponds". We fish, camp, and have some awesome family time here. So grateful he can now be a part of it.
When we were engaged, I had the opportunity to go to Ecuador where I worked with children in the orphanages.It was an amazing experience where I learned so much about myself and others. I was lucky enough to have Tyler visit the last week I was there. He played with the kids and made some friends with his Spanish-speaking abilities. It was incredible to share that amazing experience with him- one I will never forget. The last few days we got to spend in the Amazon and Quito Ecuador. This is a picture of us at the equator.

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