It was a long set of flights on the way to India. It was a relief to get to the Marriott, spend some time in down-town Chennai, and relax for a night before we set off for the rising star campus!
After relaxing in the hotel for a while, we got to spend the day in down-town Chennai. We went out to ride rickshaws (three wheeled taxis)- which was hectic and amazingly fun! It involved lots of honking and swerving. . . It felt as if we were on a racecar track where lines don’t apply- AT ALL. At one point the mirror of the car next to us was almost in my lap!
Next we got to do some shopping and walk the streets of India. I have never felt so HOT in my life- it feels like a sauna in the middle of the summer and I have never been so sweaty!!!
There were many women selling jasmine flowers on the street, people singing, and SO many motorcycles. The streets are very dirty and filled with trash, we even saw a humongous rat (the little brother of the one on Princess Bride). The children are beautiful and sweet. They stare at us and point- they also love to have their picture taken. It is sad to see so much poverty and so many people without shoes. I am excited to start working with them and helping them to hopefully make a difference. I also already love these people. They are beautiful and smile so much.
It is not uncommon to see whole families on a motorcycle carrying TVs, animals. . you name it. They do what they have to to get around.
Like I said- the children are beautiful, and I also love what the women wear- they always look so good.
The rat.. dun dun dun
The flowers that we bought :)
Wow. That looks amazing(except for the rat)